FAMU Way / Phase IV
As part of its continuing commitment to make FAMU Way the most beautiful roadway in town, the City of Tallahassee is preparing plans for the final phase of the FAMU Way project (Phase IV), which begins near the east limits of FAMU Way Phase I (just west of S. Bronough Street) and ends at S. Monroe Street.
The project shall provide a safe gateway for motorists, pedestrians, and other corridor users, while upgrading underground utilities to address aging infrastructure. Roadway improvements include the addition of curb, gutter, drainage, sidewalks, landscape improvements, street lighting and an urban roundabout design at the intersection of FAMU Way and S. Adams Street.
![a map showing the proposed improvements](/uploads/public/images/projects/famuphaseiv.png)
View a larger version of this map here.
Utility improvements include upgrading the water and sewer lines and relocating electric power underground. Communications infrastructure (telephone lines, etc.) will be adjusted to avoid conflicts with other infrastructure.
A community meeting to collect community feedback was held on July 30, 2024, at Centerpoint Church. Thank you to everyone who attended.
A prior community meeting was held on August 15, 2023.
Should you have any questions or concerns please contact:
Kyle Andree (Underground Utilities and Public Infrastructure) at 850-891-2869 or kyle.andree@talgov.com
Lizzy Kelley(Communications) at 850-891-8059 or lizzy.kelley@talgov.com